Tucson Spartans Basketball Program

Middle School and Elementary School New Player Information and Tryout Process
Our youth teams participate in 3 seasons per year from August to the following August
Fall season Aug-Dec
Spring season Jan-May
Summer season June-July
We host tryouts for middle school and elementary school during Aug, Jan, and May
Tryout Process
These steps must be completed in order:
Register through our attached google link
Register with the BGC as a member and choose "PAY LATER" (do not pay yet)
choose JVC or RD as your clubhouse
Consent & Liability (bring hardcopy to tryouts)
Copy of athletes birth certificate
We'll See You at Tryouts! Make sure you have everything you need.
Your player will participate in two free practices with the existing team.
At the end of tryouts, if your athlete makes a team, you will be asked to pay the initial startup dues. $210 for Middle School players $185 for Elementary players
Startup dues pay for BGC membership, liability insurance, uniform, 1st month practice fees
Financial FAQs
What do my dues pay for?
Court time, coach stipends, team gear, tournament entry fees, region fees, facility insurance, liability insurance, and other general club operating expenses.
What about non-payments and refunds?
Athletes with delinquent accounts will be asked to sit out of practices and tournaments until the account is in good standing. All dues are non-refundable.
What if we have time conflicts with other sports?
Please discuss with your coach as we support other sports. Keep in mind that athletes who continually miss practice will not improve at the same rate as their teammates who attend practice. Dues will not be adjusted.